Hi Accountants

A newer type of company

Our Design Services for Hi Accountants

Hi Accountants is a newer type of company. One that is moving away from the typical stuffy or stereotypical view of accounting firms. They wanted a friendly more approachable image but hadn’t settled on a name. We suggested Hi accountants as the name itself denotes being welcomed.

Being Bolton based meant that Hi Accountants could come in to discuss the website in person, offering suggestions and changes to the design, speeding up the process whilst keeping the client engaged and part of the process.


Next up was the logo design which is both font and icon based. The graphical mark spells out the word “Hi” but is also a group of people standing together to further show the human side to what is viewed as a colder (from the outside) less personable industry. The website design takes this process further with a looser and more colourful feel with informal illustrations throughout.

We Provided

A friendly approach

Your friendly accountants

Say hello!

Hi Accountants services complete with bespoke icons

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    Solverwp- WordPress Theme and Plugin

    Web Design and Branding Agency Bolton