Avoid the pitfalls: finding the right agency

We’ve all had it, your old buddy Dave dabbles in web design in his spare time, your cousin did a graphic design course at school and your nephew is “really good with Facebook” and they want to help you with your business and of course you feel obliged to help them out and give them some work. Two weeks later none of the links on the website work and Dave is on holiday, your cousin hands you a logo he designed in Microsoft paint and your nephew won’t stop uploading pictures of his cat to your Facebook page.

Then you have the other end of the spectrum, that huge advertising and media agency that will “transform” your business into a multimillion pound industry and just take over your company and you end up chasing some account manager up to find out when the heck your website is going live and you have no idea how to change or update it without paying out even more money to get them to do it.

Then there’s the middle ground – us! Design professionals that get the job done, working with you every step of the way. Our designers speak to you directly and give you help and advice with design, branding and a website that YOU can update and a few free hints and tips with your online marketing.

We’re professional but flexible when it comes to your business needs, so give us a call and see what we can do for you.

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Web Design and Branding Agency Bolton