Redesigning your website? Check out our top tips

So, you’ve decided it’s time to redesign your website. Maybe you have an outdated design that doesn’t reflect your brand anymore. Maybe a competitor’s site looks more professional than yours and is taking away your potential clients. Or maybe you haven’t updated the website for so long that people are starting to forget about the existence of your business.

Your website is the living, breathing identity of your business on the web – shaping how your potential customers see you. That’s why an effective website redesign, conversion rate optimization or new digital strategy from an experienced web design agency can have such a big impact on the success of your business. Here are our top tips for redesigning your website effectively.

Identify your business goals

Before you start planning your site redesign, it’s essential to take some time to figure out what you want your business goals to be. If you haven’t done this yet, now’s the time! It will help you think about what kind of website design is most effective for reaching those goals.

Pick a domain name that is memorable, unique and tells people what your site is about

If your domain name is not memorable, unique or easy to remember, you will lose customers before they even get a chance to visit your website. It’s important to pick something that tells people what your site is about in just a few words. For example, if you are an accounting firm named ABC Accounting and Tax Service, then would be an appropriate domain name for your business.

Invest in professional web design services

There are many benefits to working with a Web Design Agency when it comes to redesigning your website. You can take advantage of many years of experience, both in technical terms but also as a fellow business and partner to learn what works best when it comes to marketing a company to prospective customers.

Promote your new website on Social Media

Once your redesign is complete, it is time to tell the world. Post the link and an interesting image to your Social Media pages and encourage people to go and have a look. This is a great opportunity to remind people of your products and services.

Are you looking to redesign your website? Get in touch today.

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